I have planned to do a giveaway "justbecause" for some time now, but as I hit the 100 number, I decided to speed things a little - so now I'm showing you what I had for now, but I'll be adding more, first I want to stitch something for the winner, and second, add some more stuff, I have my eye on some beads for example, but whatever draws my attention. I want
So for now we have
2 squares of patterned felt
2 Forever Friends ribbons
18 count navy aida
decorative pins
How to enter
Use the widget below and check in for as many enties as you want. You can win max of 5 entries:
You get 1 entry for saying you want to participate - this first button unlocks the other possibilities
1 entry if you're a follower - with your blog, or by email, both count. The "follow by email isjust under the Follower widget on the left
1 entry if you post about this on you blog or wherever you like. It may ask you for link on this step. Just post the link on the blogpost where you mentioned it, or your home page address but only if it's posted on your sidebar
and 2 enties - just with one blog comment (cause it's on sale!). Tell me how you found my place on the internet, and say something about yourself. What do you like to stitch, what series do you follow, what book are you reading right now, what you had for dinner last night - as you wish! This option takes some thinking and writing, that's why you got two entries for this.
The giveaway will be running from now till the end of the month - plenty of time for you to enter. Yup, it's so much because I'm slow and I need to finish the stitchy thing!
I hope everything goes well with the Rafflecopter, I used it to enter giveaways on other blogs and it's very nice and simple to use. the reason why I'm using this way instead of the more traditional is (not because I want to make things harder) because of all the blogger changes that in my opinion made the communication between blogs and platforms more difficult and made many people lock their comment sections for users without blogger accounts. I don't know if there will be people like this wanting to enter, I just want to make it possible, just in case.
Now, one more question! What kind of a stitched item you would like to recieve? Something soft and stuffed like a little pillow or a biscornu? Something flat like and ornament or a flatfold? Something useful like scissor/needle case? Or something else? I'm curious to hear. I'll probably sit and stitch it this Easter weekend so for this you have time till like Thursday to say. I can't promise that the winner will get what we voted for tho, as she'll be picked after the item is finished.
Hmm this is it for now I think! Have fun and if there's something comment or mail me :)
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Както ви обещах, ето го и блог кендито! От известно време си планирах да направя едно, просто така, без да е обвързано с някаква определена причина, както направих миналата година, но след като видях 100 читателя се въодушевих и реших да избързам! Така че кендито ще бъде попълвано докато си тече - нещо като ми хареса, ще го пускам в кенди кошничката. Засега имаме два цветни филца, две макарки панделка Forever friends - едната е със звездички, а другата е с надписа, и кончета. Хвърлила съм оче и на един симпатични мъниста, искам да добавя и нещо ушито, а защо не и неща, не-свързани с шиенето
Такамм, за да участвате, използвайте джаджата горе. Или казано по-културно, приставката. Ама точно джаджа си се превежда, като на инспектор Гаджет... това беше офтопик.
Може да съберете 5 шанса да спечелите -
като заявите желание да участвате - това е най-горният бутон и той отключва останалите възможности
като следвате блога - чрез приставката за читатели или чрез имейл
като постнете за кендито на блога си или където намерите за добре - на тази стъпка може да ви поиска линк - копи пейст на адреса на поста, където сте споменали кендито, или на началната страница на блога, но само ако сте го постнали на страничната лента
И накрая - два шанса ако пуснете на този пост един коментар, в който споделите как сте намерили блогчето ми най-напред, и нещичо за себе си- какво обичате да шиете, какви сериали следите в момента, какво сте взели да четете, какво имаше вчера за вечеря - наистина каквото ви се прииска :) Тъй като коментарът включва повече усилия за личното творчество, затова и за него се получават два шанса.
Кендито е от сега до края на месеца - тъй че има мноого време. И да, толкова много време отпускам, за да мога аз да попълня кендито с подаръчета :D
Надявам се да няма проблеми с Рафълкоптера, аз съм го използвала за да участвам в други кендита, не че съм печелила, но е много лесен и удобен за ползване. Главната причина да решя да ползвам него, е не за да направя нещата по-трудни, а защото с различните промени Блогър малко или повече затрудни комуникацията между платформите, и накара много хора, включително и мен, да изключим опцията за коментари за хора, които нямат собствени блогове и не са регистрирани в Гугъл. Не знам дали би имало от тях желаещи да се включат в кендито, но реших, че за всеки случай е по-добре да го направя възможно.
И последно въпросче - какво ушито нещо би ви се искало да спечелите? Нещо мекичко като иглениче или бискорню? Някакво плоско орнаментче или украска? Или нещо по-използваемо, като калъфче за ножичка или за игли? Или нещо друго? Ще ми е много интересно да чуя идеите ви.
Това е засега! Ако има някакви проблеми или въпроси - коментарче или мейлче :D
13 коментара:
I found your blog through the theme a licious blogs at the start of the year and I love checking in to see what things your up to. I have a weakness for Harry Potter and enjoyed seeing your biscornu. At the moment I'm not following any particular series although I am in love with LHN and The Sampler Girls Patterns. I'm reading a book called Charlotte Collins a Continuation of Jane Austens Pride and Prejudice by Jennifer Becton, have I mentioned I love Jane Austen's work especially Pride and Prejudice, even naming my youngest daughter Elizabeth lol.
I could not get the widget to work!
I've been following you for ages, you're on my blog shortcuts thingie which I stopped when it went over 50 blogs so that makes it nearly a year. You followed me first I think and I returned.
Right now I'm reading a Werewolf book, according to my little bro werewolves are the new vampires! I'm also getting into audiobooks because you can stitch and listen at the same time.
I also read a cartoon version of the Odyssey to my son this evening, I love to read aloud.
Tea was boring but I had easter egg for afters LOL.
Sorry I don't remember where I found your blog. The only thing I can tell that I like it =D. My favorite theme in cross-stitch is wolves. I don't watch TV very often and there is only couple of Finnish TV-series that I follow. I like to listen the radio when I stitch.
Sorry I forgot to mention that I like most useful stuff or something flat but I wouldn't say I would be sad if I get something soft =D. Everything goes especially if it is handmade.
I found your blog because you signed up for Theme-a-licious! =) Hmm, what to say about me...I live in downtown Atlanta, Georgia, USA and I am a software developer. I like to stitch either cross stitch with not too many color changes or more interesting special stitches or hardanger! By series do you books or TV?? We watch way too much TV! I just finished re-reading The Hunger Games trilogy, and I'm still trying to get through Vanity Fair. I had no idea how long it was when I started! For dinner last night I had leftover roasted vegetables and some toast with jam because I had a pretty big lunch and I wasn't feeling too well to begin with! And maybe some chocolate eggs. ;)
Oooh Nina! I would love to enter your giveaway my dear! I've followed your blog for awhile now and am glad we have become good blogging friends! As for the series I've been reading, well, not so much a series but an epic novel: War and Peace. Yup, it will be the last book of Tolstoy's to read then I have read all of his stuff! I'm nearly finished it too! You know I love Harry Potter, LOTR, anything by Jane Austen...etc. I need to read the Hunger Games series which I will do once W & P is finished (I'm a one book at a time type of gal!)
As for what I would love. Anything by you would be amazing! Although a needle/scissor case would probably be more practical. I've been meaning to make a needlecase for myself for awhile now but haven't! I will post your giveaway on the side of my blog!!
Hugs and good luck to everyone!
Count me in on your giveaway please! I've mentioned your giveaway right under the picture of the fabulous bookmarks you sent me in my latest post! As for how I found you, I think you found me first and I'm eternally greatful. Your post are always such fun to read. What do I like to stitch? All kinds of things but if they're small they stand a better chance of getting done. Ha! What do I like to read? Science fiction which of course explains why I'm currently reading Midnight in Austenland. Go figure. I do recommend the Hunger Games though. I thought that was a good series.
You should make a needlecase. You might be tired of bookmarks at the moment. :-)
What a fantastic idea!
I found your blog through doll musings :)
Your bead work is amazing to say the least.
Can't wait to see more from you!!!
I've been following your blog since I found you through the IHSW :) and since then I loved seeing your progress and read whatever you have to share with us... I've just finished (literaly) reading The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold :)
Hello Topcho!
I d love to enter, I hope I didnt spoil filling in the Rafflecopter, I have never done this before, but it was fun:)
Well, actually I think I found accidentaly your blog, I was just browsing blogs, and I really liked yours so started to follow a long ago.
Well my favourite Serie is The Game of Thrones, I cant wait the second season!!:)
Do also cartoon series count? I love them, my biggest favourites are Futurama and the Simpsons:)
My Favourite theme in cross stiching of course is "Teddy bear" if someone checks my blog, will se that I am usually stitching teddy bears:)
I am reading a crime story by Agatha Christie, it is called Murder on the Orient express, it is a classic:) I love Agatha Christie'S Crime stories:)
Well Yesterday we had my boyfriends fave food for dinner, its spicy hot chicken.
Well thats for now.
P.S:I love your bookmarks:)
Топчо, вече не помня от кога и къде те познавам. Важно е, че те има, защото ми даваш идеи и съвети в областта на шиенето, където ти си експерт.
Няма да казвам, че чета всичко, нито какво ще готвя, нито пък, че не гледам ТВ, защото ще стане скучно :)
Пожелавам ти успехи в ученето, шиенето и блогването.
И да си кажа какво искам - няколко пъти се опитвах да си направя бискорню и не успях, затова си мечтая за такова нещо :)
Топчо, за малко да пропусна такова хубаво нещо. Ще си пробвам късмета, а блога ти го открих след като ти посети моя. Много ми харесва стила ти на писане. Обикновено първо чета англ. текст и се опитвам да разбера нещо, а после се проверявам с бг текста. Не гледам много тв, но пък зарязвам всичко като видя "Приятели", "Ало ало", "Всички обичат Реймънд", "Двама мъже и 1/2" или "Малкълм". Почти ги знам наизуст, но страшно ме забавляват.
А за какво ушито би ми харесало - книгоразделител, аз обичам да чета, но все отлагам да си направя нещо и използвам разни билети за отметка.
I found your blog most likely through the IHSW or TUSAL. Something about me...Well, I have been stitching for 22 years, self taught. I tend to gravitate towards fairies and similar things when I stitch. I collect lighthouse figurines, and some day I would love to see one in real life! I am a pretty quiet and shy person and stay home almost all the time. More time for stitching! I also have 2 wonderful children, who are just the highlight of my life. My husband is ok too, haha. :)
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