I missed posting on Star Wars day.
I missed posting yesterday for the day of tthe Cyrillic alphabet.
So I decided, damn, I'm not missing Towel Day too!
No fairy tale today, because it's time for the Hitchiker's Guide! I hope you all Douglas Adams' fans out there grabbed your fav towel to commemorate him, and to eventually try to get out of this planet. Do you read me out there?
On with some more randomness, I could show you one of my TUSAL jars, it did get some love this month actually, because in a moment of temptation I stitched on my Spring. Also with it you can see my anatomy book with a handmade felt cover - one of the winners of my giveaway will recieve some of the same fabric, I hope it will show up in the post soon.
I made the cover wuite some time ago. Less than 15 minutes of work. I so can see this trimmed with some ecru lace or flowers from the same fabric, but let's face it. I've been carrying this with me everywhere. After a couple of vists in the disection rooms and wash-ups, I don't think the lace or whatever would survive.
Other random notes - By the bay needleart will be hlding a mystery sal
and a new anime cross stitch patterns blog , featuring for now huuuge patterns but still very cool! While it's only in Bulgarian, I'm pretty sure that if you decide to check some pattern, you will have no problems figuring the link.
And last: UK, your song for this year's Eurovision is BEAUTIFUL. AWESOME, I LOVE it.
This year we had a great selection of songs (a surprise for me, as usually Eurovision fails to get me. Costumes are usually tasteless and songs, in the best case, aim for one summer hits). But this year I have a few favs among those who went on finals (I can name Serbia, Italy, Iceland, Macedonia) but United Kingdom's is the best, hands down.
You have my vote on Saturday, and if you're in Europe and don't have a favoritem you can do so as well. (Bulgaria didn't get to finals, or else I'd be probably urging you to vote for us, lol XD )
But. Whyyyy the first suggestion when I go to Youtube and type "Eurovision" is "eurovision unated states"?! Seriously...
Изпуснах да постна за 24 май.
Изпуснах за деня на Междузведни войни.
Обаче реших, че е крайно време да се прекъсне тази поредица, и затова:
Честит ден на хавлията!
Та 25 май всички фенове на Дъглас Адамс и неговия Пътеводител грабват любимата си хавлия за да го почетат, и евентуално да се опитат да се измъкнат на стоп от тази планета.
Иначе за да бъде този пост абсолютно и очарователно рандом, добавих снимка на закъснял Тусал, придружена от учебника ми по анатомия във филцова домашно направена дрешка, за точно 15 минути. Изкушаващо беше да и добавя я дантелка, я цветче... обаче като знам как навсякъде я мъкна със себе си, след няколко посещения в дисекционни и изпирания, която и да е дантелка съвсем ще се издантелчи.
Още да добавим, че By the bay needleart организира САЛ
а се заражда и ново блогче за аниме гобленови схеми - Гоблени и още нещо - на което може да се намерят доооста големи, но затова пък много хубави схемички.
И за да завършим, песента за Евровизия на Англия е много добра. Наистина много добра. Тази година наистина се изненадах колко много сносни песни има, защото като цяло приемам Евровизия за парад на безвкусни костюми и песни, които в най-добрия случай целят да станат летен хит еднодневка, но този път си харесах повече от една песен.
И все пак Обединеното кралство си остава моят фаворит
5 коментара:
Happy Towel Day to you! You are one hoopy frood. =D
I've never heard of Towel Day!
Hope you enjoy the Euro contest.
I'm not a Hitchhikers fan, and I know nothing about it. But happy towel day to you, Topcho!! Glad you found some things you enjoy in the contest. I've never heard of it till this year. Your book cover is lovely, too. TUSAL is lovely as well. Just a nice entry all the way around, lol. HAGN!!
LOL! You make me laugh! Happy Towel Day!!!
Great little covering you made for your book!
Englebert Humperdink. Such an unfortunate name that will never cease to make me laugh!!!!
OMG I missed towel day!!! Crap!
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