петък, юли 30, 2010

Personal favourite

Love this one. Sis says it looks like Bya, which is not true
The last Bleach chapter was wtf O.o

четвъртък, юли 29, 2010

Puffle pattern two

Maybe you've guessed from the title that, as promissed, this post is dedicated to the next puffle pattern. Without further delay, here it is :
Again, full freedom for choosing the colours. But if by chance you happen to stitch it, show a piccu, yes? :3
After I dig up and post on the blog, I'll probably send them into a nice zip pack towards the 1337xstitch site or forum. Which seemed kinda dead to me whan I visited it yesterday. I thought there would be tons of new stuff there for the time I was missing. Hope it'll come back to life eventually.
Ако някой - евентулно- използва схемата, една снимчица на резултата ще направи Топчо много щастлива :3

сряда, юли 28, 2010

Posting pattern - Oh really - Yeah, really

As I informed in previous post, I've been trying to put some order in my pattern archive on the PC. It's not going too well, I have to say, but in the process I realized the patterns I made myself are scattered all over the hard disk. And that reminded me that I was actually planning to post them. I've just been forgetting to do so for a veeery long time. But the time has finally come and you'll see them in the forthcoming posts.
Furst of course come puffles, because it's just right this way. Those will be the variations I used along with the original one on the pencil baggy I made for the ~PsychoPuffle, a.k.a. my own sister. The original black puff can be found here and if by chance someone has forgotten how the puff variations look like stitched, it can be checked here The difference in the eyes and the mouth only, but I guess if you want to stitch your own puffle army, it may be nice to have the pre-made expressions.
Don't worry, there won't be puffles only, lol! So just bear with it for the time being
Here it is. Click-click on it to get it bigger if by chance you want to keep it on your PC
You don't need a colour key. Just pick up three colours and create your on fluffy fellow, just like DawnMLC did with the awesome Canadian Puffle
I'll post them one by one, as an excuse to blog }:D

Thanks for the advices on the metal thread. I think I'm starting to get used to it, but still I can't say it's as pleasant to work with it as with the ordinary thread.

Apart from the stitching and the futile tries to tidy the PC, I'm also trying to catch up with the anime and manga I missed. I did so with Bleach ~~~ oooh can't wait for the next chapter, but why do I have the feeling the mangaka had forgotten about everyone who was left in Hueko Mundo? Now I'm catching with Hakuoki - so good to see all the bishies again ^____^ But how are they gong to clear up everything in only 12 eps!?! I'm almost there, and it doesn't seem enough at all!
I started a new series too... called Cat Shit One (yes, it was the title that made me) Despite the title, it's actually a serious one. I'm usually not into the military kind of movies, but...
Sergeant "Packy" Perkins and Private "Bota" Botasky are in the middle of a rescue operation when things go south and a hostage is executed. With backup 30 minutes away and enemy reinforcements incoming, it's up to the courageous duo to save the day.

Did I mention that Packy and Botasky are rabbits?

Ohmygoshtheyresocutetheyaresocute THEY ARE SO CUTE!!! Damn right they're holding guns and fighting camels, but they're so ADORABLE! The way their little tails move, and how they walk - during the whole episode half of my attention was on how they walked - so cute~~~ and Botasky must be one of the best things drawn I've seen - when he moves that pink nose and covers himself with his ears while they're shooting at him - even the Puss in Boots can't melt my heart like this.

I've seen Cats & Dogs, and G-force withe guinea pigs, but this is so much better. Bunnies seem to be the real thing. And the animation is awesome ~cute little bunny whiskers ^____^ Bunny Final Fantasy XD~~
But absolutely serious, this is not for lil kids. Lot of shooting there. Many camels died.
Can't wait for the next episode, I hope it'll come up soon!!! Bota-chan is just too cute!!!

Oh. And noone wants to come to the circus with me. Because the tickets are too expensive. Not fair T______T
Както бях споменала в един предишен пост, прява опити да въведа ред в архивите със схеми на компютъра. Трябва да призная, че не върви много добре, но открих, че дори и схемите, които аз самата бях правила, са разпръснати из целия хард диск. Това ми напомни, че смятах да ги постна, просто все забравях. Но най-накрая им дойде времето, и ще се появят в бъдещите постове.
Най-напред ще бъдат естествено пъфълите, защото така изглежда най-правилно. Ще бъдат вариации на оригиналния пъфъл, който направих по аватара на сестра си. Те се различаат само по очите и устата, но ако все пак някой реши да си избродира малка армия от пъфъли, може пък да му се иска да са готови физиономиите. Избродирани ето ги тук . От ключ за схемата изобщо нужда няма, просто си избира човек три цвята по вкус :) Ще се появяват пъфълите един по един, за да ги използвам като извинение да блогвам }:D

Със златната нишка нещата започнаха да стават по-лесни, благодаря за съветите. Все пак обаче работата с нея изобщо не е така приятна, както с обикновената
Освен с бродиране и с обреченото на провал подреждане, се опитвам да наваксам с анимето и мангата, които изтървах заради ученето. Успях с Блийч - иии вече не мога да чакам за следващата глава, но защо ли имам чувството, че мангаката съвсем е забравил за хората, които остави в Хуеко Мундо ;/ ) В момента наваксвам с Хакуоки - колко е хубаво да си видя сладурите отново :D Само не разбирам как ще развият цялата история само в 12 епизода - настоявам за продължение!
Започнах и нова серия - Cat Shit One (да, загалвието привлече вниманието, но всъщност историята е сериозна!) Обикновено не си падам по военната тематика, но...
Сержант "Паки" Пъркинс и редни "Бота" Ботаски извършват спасителна операция, но нещата стават напечени и заложник е убит. Докато тяхното подкрепление е на 30 минути път от тях, а това на врага наближава все повече, на тях двамата се пада да спасят ситуацията
А да, споменах ли, че Паки и Ботаски са зайчета?
Толкова са сладкисладкисладки СЛАДКИ!!! Ккаво като са въоръжени и се бият с камили, очарователни са!!! Половината ми внимание по време на епизода беше отделено на как мърдат с опашчици и как вървят. А Ботаски трябва да е едно от най-хубавите неща, рисувани в историята на анимацията - когато мръдне това розово носле, или се прикрива с уши когато открият огън - дори и Котаракът в Чизми от Шрек не може да се сравнява с него.
Гледала съм Котки и кучета, после беше G-force с морските свинчета агенти, но това е друго нещо. Истината е в зайчета. Анимацията е разкошна ~ и с мустачки мърдат!~ напарви си е Final Fantasy със зайчета! Но си е съвсем сериозно анимето, не е за малки деца. Много стрелба. Много камили загиват.
Дано следващия епизод излезе скоро! Бота-чаааан ^____^

О, и никой не иска на цирк с мене :( Защото билетите са твърде скъпи. Не е честно T___T

вторник, юли 27, 2010

Stitching update

Little bit less than one week work on the Spring in Japan has produced this:
Around 1600 needlepoints... and a have a huge showflake :D Today I worked less on it, because I started one project for the teacher
It's metal thread and it's such pain to work with it T_____T I'm not sure if it'll even turn good. But it's a celtic knot and I thought it would look awesome in gold and silver. In any case it could be use for sandpaper, or to wash the dishes XP
Една седмица (без мъничко) работа върху Японска пролет, 1600 бодчета... и си имам снежинка! Започнах да бродирам и нещичко за госпожата, но с този златен конец наистина е голяма мъка дас е работи. Дори не знам вече дали ще стане, но си помислих че този "келтски възел" ще изглежда страхотно в сребърно и златно. Във всеки случай ще може да се изпълзва за шкурка или за тел за миене на съдове - боде!

понеделник, юли 26, 2010

First try working with FIMO

I've been in mood trying new forms of craft lately and exploring my crafty cradboard box (and the depths of the Internet) . My latest try was working with a FIMO kit. I've always wanted to try making something our of this medium. Soo... see what I got:
Two necklaces
Two bracelets - one with elastic cord and the other with metal cord
And two rings. There was material for earrings too, but since noone has holes for ear rings , I figured it would be pretty pointless to make them. I'll keep them for some other time when I'm making a present.
I separeted them in two kits, one for me and one for mom, but with the permission to mess the kits any way we like it. She got quite excited about all this and said I should make her few more pieces of jewelry, and that she would even buy me all the Fimo I need, lol! Which is good, because my presonal craft fund is almost on the zero, and Im working my reserves at home.

I'm working on my Spring in Japan and am half done with the first page of 8. I will probably show the progress one of these days. But meanwhile I should start something for my biology and chemistry teachers. Mentioning the subject (nope I didn't do it on purpose), my last chemistry note came out! It's 5.13. So in Sofia I have bio 5.50/chem 4.24; in Pleven bio 4.68/ chem 4.75 and Varna 5.50/5.13. I hope I'll make it in Varna...

And since now I have some foloowers from Bulgaria (hooray - I've been waiting for this! Thankies :3 ) I decided I'd add a summary of the post and stuff in my own language too! Here it comes, lol:

Скъпа Дани, благодаря ти първо за милия коментар ^_^ От доста време съм си мислела да пиша постовете си и на български, но досега мисля, никой от България не ги четеше. Затова много много много се радвам, че имам български посетители :D

Напоследък ме е прихванало да опитвам разни нови неща, което е свързано с ровичкане в "кутията ми по приложни изкуства" XD и в дълбините на интернет... Последно изкарах от там един комплект за бижута от полимерна глина - това винаги ме е привличало и най сетне реших да се пробвам. От комплекта излязоха две гривни, два пръстена и две герданчета, които разделих на два комплекта:
Комплекта за мама /Mom's kit
Моят/ Mine
Естествено при изричното условие, че двата могат да бъдат омесвани на който както му се харесва :) На нея много и хареса идеята, и даже имам поръчка за още няколко комплекта! Даже вчера искаше да ме води да ми купи Фимо и метални закопчалки, и се ядосваше, че няма да работи в неделя XD Добре, че си намерих толкова ентусиазиран спонсор, защото спестяванията ми за крафтърски нужди доста са се стопили ^^''

А си работя и върху гоблена "Японска пролет" - половин страничка от 8! Но трябва да подхвана да направя нещо и за госпожите си по билогия и химия, задето се мъчиха с мене толкова време. В тази връзка излезе и последния ми резултат по химия. И така в София имам 5,50 биология и 4,24 химия, в Плевен 4,68 и 4,75 и във Варна 5,50 и 5,13. София отпада от раз, което е жалко, но все още се надявам да ми стигне за медицината във Варна...

петък, юли 23, 2010

Killing dust bunnies and trying various stuff

Those dust bunnies have gone to a better place, I'm sure of it.
As a result, now my room is cleaner that it has been for the whole last semester. *here I wrote a whole paragraph listing what I've trown away and various exam complaints, be happy I deleted it XP *
As I was tidying I tried some fast stuff:
First was a little try in decoupage. I was storing some folders and had the sudden urge to glue something on one

I used the cover of an old notebook. I loved the covers of these notebooks so didn't throw them away (kept the covers only) although I had absolutely no idea if I can use them for something. I have this problem, sometimes keeping things that >might< be of use. Anyway it seemed like a good idea and I had decoupage lacquer and glue. I peeled the upper layer with the picture from the thick cardboard and covered the whole thing generously with the lacquer.
Second is Rub-ons After getting the pretty jar with the butterfly rub ons from Cat, I thought it looks awesome. And then I got two sheets of rub-ons as a present. So I have them, and I had my previous TUSAL jar, and decided to try. It was...
Exhausting! >.<""""
My, it's so hard to transfer them on the glass, especially compared to the paper! I was able to rub only two before giving up >.>

I may add more on the other sides of the jar if I decide that my strength has recovered.

Also, I've been trying to put some order in my folders with pattern I have on the computer. It's a total, absolute mess. I have no idea where I've saved the half of it, and whenever I want to find something, I'm absolutely lost. How do you store the patterns you have? I'm not sure how to classify them. First I tried to classify them by designer/site they come from. With folders like "Dork Stitch", or "Dawn", or "Brabara Ana" I pretty much know what I'll find in there. But - there were too many sites and designers with very various works so I couldn't associate certain name with the content, and too many lonesome patterns were going to the folder "Others". Result - can't find what I search for! Then I tried separating the themes, but this too was quite hard to do, as one pattern can fit several categories - it can feature bunnies, and babies, and hearts - which theme should I chose as a main one? Often the result was a big folder named "Personage human/animal" with everything in it >.>>>
I've been thinking how to put some order, and I've been thinking of using a tagging program. Like this, one pattern can fit several criteria. I've checked some such programs, but the one thing I didn't like about them, is that they were location based. Like this if move the files, I will lose the tags, and I was hoping to be able to freely move, and copy the files to another computer, without losing such data. Like the music tags in Winamp - they're in the file, and the program can read them doesn't matter on which computer they have been created, or where on the disk are they now...
I'm still wondering what to do, so if you share any ideas, I'll be very grateful!

сряда, юли 21, 2010


Right on the point : Phew! My exams are finally over and now I can go back to everything I've been denying myself those last months because of the studying! I have piles of books to read, movies to watch, and craft to do, lol ^___^
For now I have the results of the biology exams, and one of the chemistry. For the first university (Sofia) I have 5.50, and for the second (Varna) again 5.50. In the third one, in Pleven, I have 4.68 biology and 4.75 chemistry - oh my, I couldn't believe I have higher note on the chemisty - I thought I totally failed on this. Now I'm waiting for the rest of the results. Although 5.50 of 6.00 isn't a bad result for the biology, everything depends on the chemistry now. Well, I'll wait and see I guess.
I can go on with this theme, but I guess you're already sick of me talking only about it. One last thing - thanks to everyone, who wished me luck! (big virtual hug!)

Finally with some free time, I wasn't sure what to start with, but in the end I decided to begin with a big project. I wanted to try to stitch something bigger, and frame it. Good, but it took me some time, to chose which project exactly! I had several on wait, but in the end I picked the Japanese Spring kit I showed you in the last post. (one of the reasons for it was that it's a full kit, and I have to buy floss for the other ones)
So I started it today! :D
It's 12 squares on 9 and every square is 20x20 stitches, but it's needlepoint so it should be faster that full stitches. I usually prefer the full stitches and the aida, but almost all full kits in Bulgaria are for needlepoint (that's why I usually buy the materials separately)
But I started it today and it's so pleasent to work on it ^___^ Lol, and since it has more stitches, now I can make myslef one of those stitch counters I've seen on the blogs, yay!

Other thing I must do is clean my room >.< Put everything in order. I have to think were to put all the bio& chemistry stuff.
After the exams in the end of 7th grade for entering a high school, this is what I did with the essays I wrote through the year:
Hooray for papier-mâché! Dad has been keeping it in Varna, for five years the paint has fained a little, but I think it still looks good! ;P I wanted to do the same, but my parents told me to wait a little, lol! XD

Well, I wanted to say some other things, but as usually, have forgotten them. I guess they weren't that important anyway. Have nice summer days everyone ^___^
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