As you know, a picture is worth a 1000 words. Basing on the quality, I'm goint to count each one for 500. Hm, it's still quite an essay then, this post!
So here are finally some photos. Sone of these finishes are made like months ago, some are new. Since the beginning of the summer, I've been trying new stuff, like plastic canvas, soluble canvas, sewing with a machine, new ways of finishing and so on, and with is tons of fun. But enought talking
Patterns used : Silly Snobs - Bringing up the rear
Puchu pattern, Hikaru, Hellsing and Sharingan by me
Soul Eater Sun by Dawn on Anime Stitching
The sun is on a t-shirt. A few more stitches, one more episode of Star Trek, and it will be finished! I have to say I can't wait to wash away the soluble canvas and see the result!
And before calling it aday, I'd like to say hi to Anne, Sylar and Lissanne!
Една снимка казват, че се равнява на 1000 думи. Тези ще ги смятам за по 500, и пак се получава многословен пост.
От началото на лятото изпробвах разни нови неща - перфорирана пластмаса, разтворима панама, някои нови начини за завършване, с помощта на шевна машина и т.н.
Схемите, използвани за гореизброените са
Silly Snobs - Bringing up the rear
Пучу, Алукард, Хикару и Мангекьо от мен
Soul Eater слънце от Dawn от Anime Stitching
Слънцето е върху тениска с разтворима панама. Още един епизод на Стар Трек работа върху него, и е готово. Нямам търпение да я накисна и да видя дали ще проработи:D
И преди да завърша поста за днес, нека кажа здрасти на Annе, Syler и Lissanne
6 коментара:
that cushions are cool
Lots of nice finishes!! I really should do some finished projects myself. I'm thinking about making all the anime dolls that I stitched into a quilt for myself. I still need lots of them stitched before I can do that.
The soul eater sun is looking nice too!! :)
Haha loving it!
Wow! That Alucard pillow is awesome.
котето с балоните:)))nice!
CUTE finishings. :D
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