The kitty is now completely cross stitched and back stitched and ready for whatever fate I have in store for him. The black and white mouse tail still looks kind of strange to me, be otherwise I'm very happy with it. I absolutely love my colourfull set of baloons. Now that I look at it, I realize that I kept only two of the original colour choices, lol. Kitty will probably be finished with something, involving felt. Maybe a ribbon too, but just maybe
But this will wait a little, because tomorrow will be a busy day, having an anime club meeting. I also had some requests from club members for stitched anime pieces, so I might start something of them now that the kitty is done (remember - "Various anime stitching" - there was such point in my plans)

Последните акценти върху външния вид на котката няма да бъдат поставени още утре, за съжаление, защото се очертава зает ден - ще имаме събрание на аниме клуба :) А и обещах да изработя разни нещица за там, така че след като котката освободи мястото си за друг проект, сигурно нещо аниме ще се намърда там (разни аниме неща - имах такава точка в предварителния план!)
5 коментара:
It's such a cute finish, and I like the balloons a lot! Did you use specialty floss?
Congrats on a very cute finish!
Балоните са чуднички:)Топчо, получило се е супер! Поздрави:)))
Very cute!
Итересно ми е, Топчо, какво аниме си си избрала, за да действаш по него:)))Много си падам по тях!
How gorgeous!
I love all of this - love the kitty, love the mouse, love the shading in the balloons! Congrats on the finish!
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