Lately I haven't had the time to blog at all, so some things have piled up, but let's start with the most actual one! Happy Easter everyone!

Going back the time line, I need to show you some new starts. The most recent one is the Bleach logo from Dawn's site. It's for present. I was hoping to give myself a break from the Bleach fandom, but as I couldn't come up with some else suitable, it's Bleach again, lol! The picture is from this morning, but I stitched some more, actually almost all of the blue till the end of the letters is done now.
The second new start is the result from the IHSW! Oh, I'm so late with this! I was planning to continue working on the Spring this month too, but I forgot this project at home. So I added another wip, and yet another present. Lol it's a long tailed cat, if you can't guess it right away!
And last of the stitching news is the finished Toshiro!
И накрая идва още един от капитаните, този път завършен, Хитсугая Тоширо :)
Аpart from the stitching, a very belated welcome to latest follower Juco, who I see lives in the beautifulHungary! I've been there only once, and for least than a day too, but it was striking beautiful and I hope I'll be able to visit this country again in the future!
И след разните крафтърски проекти, последно на ред идва закъсняло здрасти за последния последовател Juco , която видях, че живее в красивата Унгария :) Само веднъж съм била там, и за по-малко от ден, но ми направи страхотно впечатление, много, много красива, и се надявам да мога в бъдеще да я посетя пак!
И така, весел празник!